Colorado resident's views of local happenings

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Love Hurts

Oh let me counts the ways.

When you really love someone you know it deep down in your heart. When you love them no matter what. It hurts when they say I wish you would die. You still love them, always have always will. Oh how love hurts, you do your best to make everything better. Yet they still wake up and say what a ass you are , it hurts. You cook and clean, do the best you can and they shun you like the plauge, oh how it hurts. Still yet you do not wave how you feel. You think its out of pain or stress over money or kids. You still do your job never giving in. Because you love them, always have, always will. Day after day, you slave to please them, but to no avail. Oh how love hurts. Is this the way a mother feels. I am a man who has loved her no matter what. Thru all the relationships that never worked I stood by, cause you love them from the heart, Always true always there when they fall. Always the first to say I love you. Always true to the heart. oh how it hurts when theres no one to love you back. Yet you still stand your groud always there for them, no matter how they hate you or themselfs for what they have done. You still love them no matter what. Because you always have always will.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Nasa free spirit

Wheel slippage during attempts to extricate NASA's Mars Rover Spirit from a patch of soft ground during the preceding two weeks had partially buried the wheels. This is the same rover that is dragging a front wheel and had to drive backwards. It got stuck back in May, when the ground broke like ice on water.
Plans to free spirit The driver gives update

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunrise Good morning word
The start of a new day can be a reward if you take the time to enjoy the things around you.
So take the time to see the rewards
Like the sunrise

Saturday, January 31, 2009

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Coal Trains Golore

It's not hard to notice all the coal moving threw Colorado. The Average coal train I see is over one hundred cars. The cars are usually carrying one hundred tons more or less. There are six to eight Diesel-electric locomotives pulling, pushing there heavy loads.

There's A power plant near interstate highway 70 & 225 that is burning the stuff (coal) twenty four-7, 365 days every year. The plant produces steam that can be seen for miles. Train's are coming from the north every few hours fully loaded. The power plant creates it's own weather, Meaning the stem is rising and forming in to clouds, quite large at times. the empty trains head back to the north.

Not all the trains stop hear, they are also moving coal to at least three other states. They move threw a east-west corridor from mines in western Colorado then head east to Denver. some loads go to Kansas and Missouri. Some head to Texas and Arizona.

Back to the power plant it has this Chimney Stack. The flue gas from combustion of the fossil fuels is discharged to the air; this contains carbon dioxide and water vapor, as well as other substances such as nitrogen, nitrous oxides, sulfur oxides, fly ash and mercury. Solid waste ash from coal-fired boilers must also be removed, although some coal ash can is recycled for building materials.

A pioneering study, led by NOAA senior scientist Susan Solomon, shows how changes in surface temperature, rainfall, and sea level are largely irreversible for more than 1,000 years after carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are completely stopped.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Golbal testmarket

This one Survey site has been bringing in fifty to eighty dollars per month. Along with others listed on this site. I have been receiving one hundred to three hundred dollars per month for all of 2008. That's two thousand dollars plus last year.
Note the extra monies made Christmas 2008 a good one indeed.
Clear Voice has been paying well too is also paying down the student loan along with uppromis


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